A Glimmer of Hope
Penni Livingston
a microscopic particle of hope
glimmered through the window
for a moment,
the issues are transparent
seen for what they are;
contention held no power;
friction went non-detect;
nothing stood still;
everything swayed gently
in the soft breeze,
dancing to a new song
barely heard over the birds
and the weed eater,
a new nearly inaudible song
of hope,
an expectation of good,
a instant recognition
of the integrous power of virtue,
decency, really,
in the present moment
inspite of the current picture
inspite of the tremendous effort needed
inspite of the tactics and antics that will come
inspite of the certain uncertainty
that attends the needed work.
A sweet fragrant feeling
that justice will be done,
the fight worth fighting for,
lasts but for a moment,
at this transitional point.
Stress and contrast,
violations of moral and mortal laws,
still trying to play
discordant out of sync notes
in the background
a penumbra of cognitive dissonance
trying its hand at visibility;
The tension promises to intensify.
14 years we have been in this matter
as appeals are won yet remanded remedy alludes.
Get your own band, my mind declares,
get your own room
get your own building
get off of my lawn
no fertile ground here
for the stench of your lies and your shit.
Hope gathered more particles and grew
as anger shined the light before it cleared,
as the cherished desire took center stage
in thought and feeling and realization
with earnest expectation of
not just good outcome
but of worthwhile appreciated effort.
As hope peaked in through the glass
a smile came begrudgingly then bigger
the chest and shoulders lowed with a great exhale
releasing strain of past pain and ghosts yet to come.
Despair went out the now opened window.
Where did it go? Who cares?
Someone else can find it;
then they can grapple with it’s sting
and throw it out their window.
Decide: to feel good, to do the work,
to rejoice in opportunity
to bring about right results.
Life-long relationships were built
on good foundations,
even as
good people were lost to death,
Virgil, just the other day.
Thank you for your service, sir.
The farmers who elected you are grateful.
I’m sad but know it was your time to exit.
In the mist of the midst, and the midst of the mist,
in the context of the case,
how will I keep my cool?
Going forward forcefully yet voluntarily,
how shall I express intellectual elegance?
My own individual generosity of spirit?
How ? In the midst of sin that more than misses the mark
of the measure of the stature of the fullness
of the high calling of the Christ Office
I chose and that chose me.
Hearing the eerie sound of the Montezuma Oropendola
wafting the warm air
eyeballing me
as it lowers its head to hike its yellow ass feathers skyward
needed insight is found
as the vibration of goodness permeates
and breaks the mesmerism of injustice.
Answers flow:
clear the din of error and focus,
recommit to the mission,
identify the key values;
Let the documented facts tell the story,
a cohesive narrative protected by law
consistent with your highest sense of right.
Having the expectation of goodness
in process and outcome,
having a recognizable voice for truth and lawfulness,
a foundational belief in good over evil
an equation that energizes and inspires,
moderates emotional reactions.
Truth and righteousness will continue to compel the justices to justice.
The defendants are on their own,
no support in fact or law or otherwise
to prevent the consequences of their ill intent
and bad behavior.
Violators of law, purveyors of harm to others:
you will note
Imperturbable time
poised by the justice loving effort
prompted to continue by a single particle of hope
will bring the hammer on your heads
with very harmonious exciting measures.
Seen from A Glimmer of Hope.