By Penni Livingston, The Lorax Lawyer
Dragon Slaying
You’d slay those dragons if you could
doing all for the common good
pollution should have an outright ban
So Slay those dragons if you can
you can climb this mighty hill
Slay those dragons if you will
Slay those dragons yes you can
for the earth now take a stand
Just slay those dragons, make them gone
color yourself purple and sing a song
Slaying dragons is worthy work
Other wise you are just a jerk
No more scotching the planet earth
we know now what Life is worth
priceless precious protective planet
discern your part and do it, damn it
the current path has hell to pay
its up to us to save the day
Put in the effort, give your time
even when you lack a dime
Read up on issues, tell what you know
help the others see the way to go
aware and acting is the key
Endangered species dragons could be
I know you’ll slay those dragons you should
eliminating harm for the common good
No more dragons, no poisonous snakes
All to act for Goodness’ sake