Earning Your Wings- a poem
Mightier than noble Kings
Are Angels who have earned their wings;
Appearances are not worth much;
More valued are deeds and such.
Visitants throughout one’s life,
People who help in times of strife;
Always willing to do their part;
Holding prayers next to their heart;
Sheltered by their outstretched arms;
Protected from the world’s harms;
Hear the Angels sing their song;
Forgiving all who do us wrong.
Enlightened by the Son’s rays,
Love for all, give God the praise;
Intently listening for God’s voice,
Prayerful as we make each choice.
No matter what the decision be,
Angel thoughts will make us free;
Mastering possibilities galore,
Finding the key to every door.
Directed by Divine Mind,
Truth supreme for all to find;
Working for Good has the best perks -
Earning our wings through our works.