
Funny and clearly a joke since heaven definitely gets more orgasms than hell, being a state of mind, not a place. Still I wonder if you might consider rather than offending these folks, how could we make them more receptive to actual truth or to accepting larger principles. I like where Morgan freeman’s character hazeem in Robin Hood is asked: did god paint you? He replies:” for sure, allah loves variety.” This might take away from your point about god being in our image yet we are good’s reflection , whatever that looks like. Still that first one is very good. Of course god is Principal not subject to sexual orientation or pregnancy but that one should shut up some narrow minded people.



Penni Livingston
Penni Livingston

Written by Penni Livingston

Penni Livingston is the Lorax Lawyer, retiring from active practice to write about three decades on the front line of bringing about justice by suing polluters.

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