Great read. Great affirmations. Here are the signs I have taped on my computer screen frames:

"The best productivity system is to do the work" "Surrender to God's Agenda" "write" "Measure your progress" "Bring your whole self to everything you do and ever word you write" and in bright orange: "What made you Smile today?" "WRITE" HA!

On my shelves, other than book titles, it says "Oh the Places you will go" "Love to Learn" and best of all "trees are poems the earth writes in the sky"

Way better than one of my old signs that said "Success goes to those who bill" I no longer worship the billable hour even if it is still my friend.

Penni Livingston
Penni Livingston

Written by Penni Livingston

Penni Livingston is the Lorax Lawyer, retiring from active practice to write about three decades on the front line of bringing about justice by suing polluters.

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