I appreciate how thoroughly you have approached this complex subject matter and how you have tried to make it simple. Some of this was beyond where I am so I did not absorb it to keep but will revisit these ideas as I grow.
I have a frustration level with the progression of electronic media. I just want to write a book and get a dialog going about the issues. I don’t want to sell or coach or participate in something. I am retiring from the rat race and don’t need a new rat race to stress me out!
All of this knowledge makes me feel so uncomfortable. It makes writing the book harder as I focus on the parallel path of platform building and marketing. Blah blah- ick, to me. I don’t want anything to do with marketing or getting clicks. I also don’t want clients or customers. I have had that for 30 years and want out. I just want to share what I know needs worked on for the next generation of warrior lawyers.
I just want to get the info out there and be done so this SEO click bate type information is actually discouraging to me showing me that I need another doctorate degree, only in something I do not care about in the slightest. Still I appreciate that you get it and help us get it. I do care about the issue I am writing about but even at that- only because the knowledge of insurance cheating fell to me in a way that it will not fall to others yet it should be known.
Anyway- thank you. You should have more likes here as you really thought this out and communicated it well. Maybe others feel as I do- this is all so layered in simple complexity. I have enough to deal with in my own layers of complexity just getting the story written, let alone getting the audience. Surely somewhere in the world we can just write a book and be done. ha!