I appreciate your insights so much. I have made a great living writing- pleadings- and fighting with words to get results. Now I am transitioning to a whole new way of writing that is slow going!
Motto for the week- less whining more writing. And I don’t even whine. I just need the more writing part. I love the idea that words are our product. I am a producer so I appreciate that view.
I am following your advice and writing and writing and outlining and improving the outline. I dislike using the word it but I am following your advice because what is true is that “it” is and always has been as you peg it- its on me what I accomplish, not on my advisers who don’t even know they are advisers.
I am not ready for a blog or guest posting yet and I don’t yet have a space to promote content that has yet to be created but I will do these things when the writing is further along and the outline is a real book proposal with more chapters written., Thanks again.
You give the best advise. I shall move people with my writing- just different people than my writing has previously moved- likely for alot less money but hopefully with greater impact than I have already had and in a wider sphere than the restraints and context of cases in the judicial system. Thanks again.