I love that you are asking such difficult and ultimate questions. I could so tell you are a high level learning college student. You are thinking too shallowly in your self-deceived depth! Ponder that one awhile- it’s worth it to rethink the issues you are trying to figure out and with a wider perspective perhaps than Nietzsche.
Aside from some faulty reasoning here but great search of truth, there were so many assumptions in your questions and your own answers that lead to new questions that I find myself recommending you read The Four Agreements by Don Miquel Ruis. You will love wrapping your head around those agreements as they relate to the discovery and development of the self you are trying to find.
The conclusion that you are not your personality has no point to it and does not logically follow your argument. The idea is not developed at all. Your personality is what? Is it who you have decided to be? Is it related to your preferences? to the principles you hold dear and act consistent with? You need some more work on your ideas here as this is a life time seeking and you seem to be on the surface even as you see the complexity.
I enjoyed reading your current struggle to find your truth very much.