It's good to see that you do not rely on fox news for your information since they and the president called this virus a hoax as our president had disbanned the CDC pandemic task force when he took office. He is all about gutting our government. Perhaps you missed the part where a republican on the Wisc supreme court was at issue such that our president was also encouraging people to vote. Seems they just needed masks and social separation, not fear mongering.
When you compare the Democratic party to Jim Jones, you are more than out of line, you are out of touch with reality and disrespectful of those who lost people to that nut ball, who by the way- had the same disease as our president- narcissism on steroids. Check it in the DSM.
Your motivation of blame and shame is more than cruel and your numbers do not add up. 130,000 people have not died in the US all together so hard to blame voting for killing more people than have died altogether.
As a bringer of justice, I could not agree with you more on the idea that the real sinners will rot in jail. I believe more Trump appointees will see the walls of a jail cell than those appointed by Reagan. The constant lies and trickery that you do not see are disturbing to those of us who know the DNC does not have an intent to kill people while our President clearly does not give a shit at all. Your view of justice truly is blind.