Just Beyond the Surface
Penni Livingston
Just beyond the surface of time bought experience
tension’s strain is broken to silence
aggression fails to assert any ugliness
no more anguish to torture anyone
none ridden with guilt or anxiety’s crushing press
no regretted conduct or shameful words
nor bitterness from seeing harm or being harmed
no omission of healing, all needs met
No terrifying death, no separation from life
no terror from rejection or withheld love
no broken hearts or laws, no bloated egos or ids
no cancer or personality disorders, no dis-ease
Divine nature echoingly unexplainedly visible
unconfined by walls of wishes or time spent wastefully
undeterred by circumstances or perceptions
surfaces seen to be illusory and easily breached
no storms or tears or lit up thunder roaring
no clouds or crowds at all to dissuade or impress or loom
no assaults on dignity, no warring factions, no handicaps
every microscopic particle infinitely fortifying integrous interaction
an ultimate awareness imbued with divinity, immortality
the only current, the only currency: compassion
no need for rescue in the midst of this current’s stillness
cool assurance and proof of what is, always will be
no trouble prevails here in non-time’s completeness
no confusion, no blind eyes, no deaf ears, no dull sense
no rage, nor fear nor hate, no panic nor menacing threat
no toxicity or impurity at all, no polluted thoughts or bodies or systems
serenity, harmony, expressions of beauty
voiced in constant colorful kaleidoscopic dance
musically, artistically, expressed in aesthetic delight
purity abides so below so above so constituted
a constitution of pure awareness
of being, of being perfectly alive, imbued with pleasure
Divine influence removing resistance, unenslaving
enhancing joy felt freedom of being
joy of knowing we are still existing
engrossed in spirit’s palpable unending existence
soaked in a universal realization
pure affection united
peace full, fearlessly imparted as reality
knowingly present, now, no where out there, one local
united consciousness, connecting in Life’s golden grid
the real world wide web of undaunting unwavering Truth
spiritual life discerned
answered prayer with no petitions
true blessedness accepted
All One I Am