Penni Livingston
2 min readJun 12, 2024


My highest philosophy is Christian Science. I see the truth in the historic facts because I understand that all things are possible to those who do good. The biblical account Dawkins and you claim no Christian can really believe is quite believable to me. Jesus had a demonstration to make- to prove the belief systems (and herd thinking of that time), and the material actions of mortal man, could not kill the Christ in Jesus, Christ being his high office of spiritual understanding. Jesus knew material life is not the all of divine consciousness and that we are in unity in collective consciousness - in spiritual reality. He had to see no duality even as material evidence tells us otherwise or he would not have attained this wonderful healing that has lasted the ages.
So if water and blood came out when they pierced his side with a sword, he was alive. Three days to work out the problem of being and the world’s hatred of truth seems miraculous to me. He overcame death by getting healed through his own understanding of higher reality. Anyone who believes in “life after death” really believes that death is not real as it is not the end of our consciousness. We believe- Jesus knew- because he proved it. Evidence counts.
It took me awhile to get the resurrection but I 100% believe Jesus overcame death at that point to prove our spiritual power over material conditions. His was the highest demonstration of spiritual truth we know of. He is the way for this very reason- he showed us the truth of being, that we are spiritual, not limited material beings.
That may seem like a leap of logic but it is based on evidence or science. Every praying person has some evidence of the higher realm demonstrated in their “ lower realm” life. As Shakespeare put it: “ ‘tis nothing so but thinking makes it.”
Thanks for writing on the issues. Your idea that so much good in society has a basis in Christianity from long ago shows the endurance of knowledge produced from spiritual proof. It shows that one person can make all the difference- we each can make a difference for long term good.



Penni Livingston
Penni Livingston

Written by Penni Livingston

Penni Livingston is the Lorax Lawyer, retiring from active practice to write about three decades on the front line of bringing about justice by suing polluters.

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