My teacher in Christian Science was so wise. She once said: “All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of one tiny flame. That is how powerless darkness is!” Anetta G. Schnieder
She also defined Grace as mental loveliness. Isn’t that a great definition to strive for in our thinking and speaking and what we communicate to others?
In spite of our current political nightmare, spiritually, I do not believe darkness has the ability to spread. The Never Ending Story is what came to mind as I read your discussion on darkness. The Never Ending Story is a poignant movie about not letting the nothingness- darkness- absence of light- destroy the world. The answer to darkness or nothingness in the movie is to believe in the good- the light- LOVE.
One final comment intended to boost your success in writing is to not use “it is” or “There are”. You start this well meaning article with “it is” as your opening. You have so many “its” in here. One place you start with “there are”.
I generally write legal briefs and “it is” so easy to say “there are” cases applicable here that say this or that. I work very hard to not ever say there is or there are or it is or it anything. This is hard to do but our writing is better for the effort.
I don’t always have time to rewrite places where I find these in my writing as I am under deadline and the Judges are not nearly as astute to good writing as I am so they would never see such sentences as weak. Even so, I am suggesting to you that a great exercise would be to rewrite these ideas in a way where you never use these terms it or there. Also in rewriting, you may find a better perspective. Darkness is temporary until light comes along as it does every morning of every new day.