Really good ideas. Thanks. I have never feared a blank page and do not understand that but my brain never shuts off and I likely have much to say. I loved your idea to “Give your thoughts tangible form and then you can exert control over them.” Really good! I am going to ponder that as my quote for the week.
I have always edited as I write because I have had deadlines on pleadings for over 30 years. I think of the editing as part of the writing process and the best part since this is where I make the points shine as I continue to hone and hone and hone. Still I consider it writing, not just editing. So all the advise about mind dumping and leaving it do not work for me. I have to have something to work with and I have to get it into the proper form to win the argument for my people to get justice. I have seen how no one advises to do it this way but I cannot change 30 years of strong habit even as I wish too to never view writing as a struggle! I view winning as the struggle!