Shawn O’Meara- Keep going no matter what the responses here. When you stick your neck out, some will want to slit your throat and eliminate your voice by stopping you through your own self censorship since they will try to shame you and blame you and claim you have no proof. Keep going.
Interesting that before reading this today, I posted to facebook the Three Dog Night song “A Child is Black, A Child is White” after hearing a similar rift in a song by Fiona Apple declaring we are fine. You will appreciate the quote below about her music and she too is a rebel.
I was intrigued by the good writing by Kristin Iversen where she described the songs of Fiona Apple in Nylon thus: “They are beautiful and sticky, like an open wound; and if you listened to them when you were also an open wound, if you pressed yourself up against that music with no scars protecting you, those songs stuck close, until they were a part of you, like a second skin, something to shelter in.”
She went on saying “Apple’s voice was low and cool and stronger than seemed possible, sometimes; it vaulted up in a way that felt unattainably lofty, like the ceiling of a centuries-old cathedral; while her words spoke of sin, her voice provided sanctuary.”
So you are strong and cool and have reached for that unattainably lofy place where you call out how things are and meet with resistance, the resistance of sin denied and covered. I intuitively knew what you were saying was true before you said it. Clearly Trump is racist. This is in plain sight as much as his mental defects and self sabotage are. Really, us liberals, who are more limited in our touch points than conservatives (See the Righteous Mind) think we are past blatant racisim a little, at least in our voting. I mean we got Obama for two terms. Wish he had focused on the environment. Yet we know we are not past this dismay toward other groups and you called it out.
While my dismay with Trump focuses on the misogynist narcissist part of his toxic personality disorder in thinking he tricked people wanting change with his charm while appealing to those who would tear the government down because they do not understand what it does and how it is the beacon that protects freedom and prevents harm or at least deals with harm after the fact in the court system.
As a former government lawyer, this is what really gauls me about Trump: his lack of lawfulness and his lying, his total disrespect and lack of understanding of the role of government. Well if gaul is involved I have to mention that there is the “grab women’s pussies and get away with it” comment that helps me know he actually is the anti-Christ. As a Christian, that is the scariest part- fellow Christians not seeing that he stands against everything Jesus did and said- Love your neighbor as yourself. Anybody else remember that lesson?? It is how we get into heaven. As the Course on Miracles alludes- we have to drag our brother (aka enemy) over the line with us or we do not get it. This is metaphorical but how do we drag the anti-christ with us when he seems beyond reformation???
This is long here but really- take heart that you are among the truth tellers no matter what anyone writes here. Stand tall against the raging machine that would try to kill democracy and the rule of law with high power. Keep going! Your voice is needed.