Sit Awhile
Penni Livingston
In one sitting what can one do?
Imagine forth the real you.
Boundary setting; where you heading?
Spiritual seeking, no fair peeking;
No putting feelings on a shelf
consider Who is your real self.
What’s in store? . . . Love the more.
All the lessons are lessons on Love.
Tame your hawk, release your dove.
Soar to the sky; no need to be high.
Seek to find the realm of mind.
Release the outer for inner Peace.
Perspective on strife makes a more joyful life.
What was your truth within your youth?
What is the key that makes us free?
What is true? Why does it look blue?
Reflection, not infection.
Absorption knows while sin just slows.
Healing can be most revealing.
What was revealed that brought you healed?
Vulnerability is our capacity to be seen;
Lumps and bumps, the self to glean.
Taking time to just sit helps sort out the seeming shit.
Mindful of how precious life is,
trying to hold the fleeting bliss.
Why would bliss just float away?
To come back new another day!
Shadow seen with the sun;
so much work yet to be done.
The shadow does nothing but give shade,
contrast without texture meant to fade.
Object, subject, which are you?
Intermingled, are you really two?
Oh duality! the cork that won’t sink!
Am I the thinker or the think?
Clarity comes from Spirit, not matter.
Yet we seem to follow the pesky mad hatter.
He’s late on the scene and down the hole.
Am I the body or the Soul?
Complexity does not bring clarity!
Compassion to self, the needed charity.
Time does not drive or even fly.
“How” only comes after “why”.
What is the “why” to the cause you be?
What does it mean to be truly free?
Even though the seeds are sown
the pathway forward is not known.
Who will walk with us along the way?
Making sure the danger is kept at bay.
Answers flow best when sense is still;
You are here at God’s grace and will.
Worry dooms if held too long;
far better to just sing a song.
In gratitude now lift your voice.
What comes next is based on choice.
In one sitting what can you do?
Did you imagine forth the real you?
About this poem: I journaled this forth the other day and decided to type and publish since I noticed a few new followers. I figured you all could share in the notes from my sitting. Sometimes limitation brings expansion. That is how I view thinking in rhyme.