So insightful. I lost a case where the juror who became the foreman had a dad who was an insurance agent and my case was against State Farm for Fraud. The evidence was so good despite their unethical tactics of hiding the truth (which is its own story of fraud) and really- the evidence was so overwhelming!
I lost. I quickly interviewed the juror after the verdict and he said- “Did you proof shenanigans and mismanagement- yes you did but you did not prove beyond all doubt that they committed fraud.” Well yes I did and beyond all doubt was not the burden of proof! His TRIBE was such that he could not hear it. Wish I would have gotten that sooner as I trusted his answers that he really cared about truth and researched everything to get to truth- only truth he could handle. His loyalty was to his dad’s business, not the truth I proved- at great cost, by the way.
A dog can only understand what a dog can understand. He cannot understand what a horse understands. A tribe can only hear what is consistent with the tribe’s views. UG!
Thank you so much for giving me the insight I really needed as I write a book about how insurance companies have hijacked our justice system.