Thank you. Trial lawyers are teachers. I have an outline and all my resources gathered to teach experts how to be good expert witnesses including how to survive cross examination without being impeached. I still have “9 to 5” hard work that presses me to get things right for my remaining clients but you have given me motivation. I especially appreciate your long perspective. Five years indeed- that is how long it took to get a college degree that got me into law school and how long it took to teach my kids to talk and walk and read to be ready for kindergarten. I can see you are right and that I have a new way to contribute and it will bring the fun back I have been missing since my 30 plus years bring wear and tear. An on line course will also be far less taxing and far less stressful than continuing to litigate with bad actors who hurt others (with pollution and flooding) and whose defense attorneys one would not chose to be in the same room with if one was sane or wanted to remain sane. Thanks for the boost!