The record of I am not enough is the background noise that stems from thinking you are not worthy- a sentiment that ruins people’s lives- a false narrative, for the most part.
I do not agree with your theme. HA! I am always enough. I am actually sure of this. you are enough too.
I am sorry for people who think they are not enough or who are substandard at the moment. I just wrote a colleague that we have to do the right thing in our case separate from our ego wanting to crush these law breakers who hurt people and who fight so unfairly and for so long (11 years) to keep hurting people. I offered a settlement to horrible actors because it was the right thing at the time. In that communication I mentioned that we know the defendants are substandard- we sued them for it. Still we make an offer when it is right.
Some people could use a lot of improvement in their behavior for sure- like our President. Yet the message of not being enough is unhealthy. Our president thinks he is not enough. The tape he plays in his head all the time whispers you are nothing. Look what those thoughts have done for him as he tries to prove his deep ego wrong while it sabotages him and proves the message right. Think about this as it is true. The bully hates himself. that is why he is mean to his neighbor.
You are enough and if you do not think so, do something about it but start by believing you are worthy. I think you are enough. Just act like it and you will be. I hope that helps.