This article led me down a rabbit hole of learning about the thoughts and philosophies of people (men) I had never heard of. I even came across comments in articles to not dismiss Christian Science, my philosophy of life so how nice and about Deepak Chopra finding ideas from Sri Aurobindo, well yay.
I already know death is nor real from the CS background but find it interesting that you view reincarnation as positive in light of of ecological crisis. Who wants to keep working on these devastating issues in more lifetimes? Not me! I've already spent much of this life suing polluters and working on issues the rest of the world just seems to be catching up on.
I find it rather ironic that those who most ofter use the birthing process as a primary analogy to make a grand point in dealing with our environmental crisis or creating a new movement are not mothers who actually gave birth and know that suffering, reward and responsibility. Harder for me to find credibility ringing from vicarious understanding of that but the same could perhaps be said of experiencing death since most of us do not recall that but think of it from the loss or death of others.
This was really interesting, complex and well-written. I appreciate being exposed to new thought and thinkers and knowing the levels at which people are trying to truly comprehend the issues and solutions we collectively face. The answer is always Love. Thanks for the lessons and the lovely connections. Great quotes too. I really enjoyed the time spent on this.