Very insightful way to communicate these important ideas, Mitch Horowitz. Just a shout out to the other two universal laws that balance the law of attraction or the law of surrender haha (Love) and that is Cohesion and Adhesion- yep Life and Truth go with Love as the ultimate winners of progress. And then there is "Chemicalization"- the stirring up of the muddy water bed to remove the impurities. Kinda like gravity but not. These ideas are not mine, they are from Mary Baker Eddy.
While I appreciate Holms and religious science, even as he stole exact words from Mary Baker Eddy without giving her credit while he credits many a MAN in his book, he misses the mark in some important ways too. I do like his original well explained analogies and he does get Science and how the law of attraction works.
What Holmes seems to miss is personal integrity. He steals from writings 50 years before his and does not credit the exact quotes and ideas. Very disappointing but then Mary Baker Eddy was a woman, so for me, there is some more lack of integrity on Holmes part. We all must be alert to our own ego even as we profess to comprehend that there is only one Mind and it is Divine.
Thanks for your insights. I love your conclusion. I do believe each of us in our own demonstrations expand the demonstrations possible for everyone else. We all do things for ourselves and for others. Thanks again.