wow. At first, I was like- hey that sounds just like me. Then I was like- nope, I have not written and hidden manuscripts- mostly because I am not there yet but thanks for giving me a preventive cure! I do have 10 outlines on my computer from a decade so I guess I am still similar- just not as far down the road since my day job has been such a good gig to accomplish my goals.
Then I see that the writer process you give- save my life- is exactly how I write for a living every day. This is exactly how I draft compelling pleadings that have real deadlines and that move a case forward to a just outcome. I edit until the message is perfectly compelling for each point of fact and each point of law.
All advise I have received is to not do writing the way I have done it for 30 years- until this article where you write the way I write. I do get my writing done. I file the damn pleading in the public record before it is due. The writing is nearly always excellent and compelling because I do not stop until it meets my standard of writing- never viewing the self editing as I go as editing or re-writing. I am still writing.
Really- I have so much to do to continue to improve the world and I am suppose to be preparing for a trial today in a matter with two appeals pending as well and two wins already in the appellate court on an 11 year old fight for the environment. I have been beating myself up about these things and yet I will win for these folks because my motions have been exceptional in the communication of how we must win under every possible applicable principle of law. That came from the WAY I write, not just the way I think and analyze.
I actually cannot express my true gratitude to you for this article that I did not have time to read (and likely would not have had you not somehow decided to follow me on Medium-whatever that means- since I do not write articles, but merely comments). I suppose someday I could submit poems to Medium- ha- but for now I am still in theat read everything in the world mode that you discuss at the beginning. I have a lovely outline in scrivner and I will expose the injustice of insurance company corruption and move to my love of environmental cases. Today- you gave me hope that it will get done this year as I will write it like I write everything- to the best of my ability and then stop. No draft 1,2,3,4,5,6, blah. Just write it and keep writing it exactly as you say here. Thank you!!! Your ripple for my future readers will be significant as I will finish the book. THen write another!